Healthcare Innovation Program

Due to the current events, we are adapting our programs and offering online solutions. The Basic Module “Grundlagen für den Start in die Selbstständigkeit” will be our first remote course, starting on April 30th.

What can you expect from the MedTech Startup School 2020

Basic Module: “Grundlagen für den Start in die Selbständigkeit” (in German)

The courses will take place on Thursdays, from 14:30 – 17:30 and will be online and remote until further notice! After the registration we will send you the technical details and help with the login.

1. Do, 30. April 2020:  Startup-Ökosysteme // Die Schritte zum eigenen Unternehmen

2. Do, 28. Mai 2020: Gründerpersönlichkeit und Gründerteam

3. Do, 18. Juni 2020: Design-Thinking

4. Do, 25. Juni 2020: Business-Model-Canvas // Business-Plan

5. Do, 02. Juli 2020: Rechtliche Aspekte der Gründung // Buchführung

6. Do, 09. Juli 2020: Finanzierung // Kalkulation

7. Do, 16. Juli 2020: Marketing

(8. Do, 23. Juli 2020: Exam)

Advanced Module: “Build your own Life Science Startup” (in English)

More information to follow soon.

The Expert Module: “Push your Startup to the next Level” (in English)

More information to follow soon.

Demo Day

This is the last day of our program and an absolute highlight. You will pitch your project in front of more than 100 investors, industry representatives and the press. With this final event we will push you out of the nest so you can learn how to fly in the business world.

More information to follow soon.


Do you like our curriculum?

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For more information on the curriculum, please send us your questions in an email!

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