After the game is before the game: Lukas brings the achievements of summer back to our minds. Great to hear that round two is in preparation already!

A Summer to be Proud of

Wow. Demo Day. What a day! The teams presented their projects publicly for the first time. They networked with investors and industry partners and gave their first interviews for the radio and print press.

It was an ambivalent feeling during and after Demo Day: On the one hand the Startup School was intense and a whole lot of work for all involved. So everybody was happy to reach the finish line – for now. On the other hand it was a very emotional time. We wanted the race to continue. We spent a lot of time together, friendships emerged, tears fell and for some teams the Startup School became their second home. So now I feel almost like a kid return home from a vacation camp with friends – I miss something. Is it really over now with Demo Day, after half a year of preparations and 100 days of Startup School? Yes – but only for one week. After a debriefing we will start to prepare our round two, building on all our experiences from this time around.

The MedTech Startup School was a great success. Most people believed in us, but not all of them. The latter – we are happy to say – we proved wrong. We have shown that our concept works. We brought together medical doctors, engineers, scientists and business experts with the goal to turn ideas into products and business cases. In a very short time period we achieved something great: we have shown in an exemplary manner how to bring sometimes even life-saving ideas from ”bench to bed“. It was great to be part of the MedTech Startup School 2015, and I hope that many will follow!